Sinus Augmentation: A Fruitful Lift To Enhance Your Jawbone  


The key to a successful dental implant is the quantity and quality of the bone where the implant is supposed to be placed. A dental implant may fail if you do not have a sufficient amount of jawbone. This could be due to several reasons, such as periodontal disease or tooth loss. This can be corrected through a surgical procedure known as sinus augmentation. 

Sinus augmentation offered by the family dentist in Rancho San Diego and El Cajon can provide adequate jawbone to add thickness and provide a strong and stable foundation for dental implants. 

What is sinus augmentation? 

Sinus augmentation, sinus lift surgery, or sinus graft, is a surgical procedure that involves building up your jawbone thickness using a bone graft. It is often recommended to secure your dental implants to provide anchorage for future restorations. According to the Foundation of Oral Rehabilitation, a sinus augmentation procedure is recommended if there is less than 4 to 6 mm of bone height in the posterior region of your jaw.

Tooth loss due to birth defects, cancer, or periodontal disease can cause thinning out of the jawbone over time. This can negatively impact the placement of dental implants with compromised stability, especially while chewing. 

How is sinus augmentation performed? 

Sinus augmentation is a simple and outpatient dental surgery. As with any surgical procedure, you need to prepare yourself before the actual process. 

Pre-procedure preparation involves the following steps:

  • During the first consultation, your dentist will examine your teeth, mouth, and gums.
  • The jaw thickness and density near the edentulous space will be assessed through dental X-rays or CT (Computed Tomography) scans.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the surgical area, which helps perform the procedure with ease and comfort. 
  • A tiny incision or cut will be made near the upper premolar and molar area to expose the jawbone.
  • Your doctor will drill a small hole into the bone using ultrasonic instruments. 
  • The membrane lining the sinus on the other side of the opening will be carefully pushed upwards.
  • The space created will eventually be filled with bone graft material to stimulate bone formation. This may be taken from:
    • Your own body
    • A deceased donor
    • A synthetic material 
  • Your dentist will then suture the incision to close it.  
  • Once the surgical site heals, the dental implants will be placed.


Sinus augmentation can pave the way for strong dental implant placement. This procedure will effectively increase the likelihood the implant will succeed, thereby restoring your missing teeth and improving your quality of life. 

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